We talked about how her own experiences have been so much different than mine. For example, she left her home at 17, didn't go to college, and has been working ever since. In a nutshell, she asked me to please figure my shit out. My mom wants me to be happy and wants me to not feel like school is a waste, because I currently do feel that way.
Afterwards, I went to Vera's for a good ol' chat. We talked about a lot-- what we've been through, and how it can help us now with what we want to achieve. During the conversation I realized how happy I would be busting my ass in photography. And when I've got my heart full from that, I can keep going to school for things like Art History, or whatever I may choose then. The art school I've always had my heart set on is CCA in Oakland. Today I plan to find out what it takes to get a loan, and things of that nature. Vera and I also decided we should get a place in Oakland or that area, and I'm now beginning to feel a little happier about my situation. I'm glad to have someone like her in my life.
Around 6pm, Lloyd, Vera's father, who I consider to be fairly wise and honest, let me know that it would be best to drop the class I should've been leaving for at that time. It was the answer I'd been waiting to hear from someone, someone who agreed with me. If the best I can get in a class is 75%, then why bother? I then stayed until midnight eating a delicious pesto-chicken-pasta dinner, playing Scrabble, watching Family Guy, and indirectly ignoring my boyfriend.
I hadn't talked to him all day... since about 2pm, anyway. He texted me at 8. You could (or maybe you couldn't) imagine he was a little off-put when he found out I was again at Vera's instead of spending time with him... Is it wrong that I don't care too much? At this point in my life, I'm not going to distance myself from my close friends. If nothing else, I'd like to be accepted into a loving household rather than disregarded in a hostile one.
Anyway... we exchanged a handful of text messages last night, and a couple today. No loving words, no i-miss-you's, nothing... I'm not in the greatest mood because of it, but I'm not upset or overjoyed either. The past few days I've been so overwhelmed with thought, that I haven't really given him any. I feel weird about it. We've been together for 6 months now. We should still be fresh, exciting, fun, and at least loving... I dont get it. My mom told me, "not everyone is meant for each other". I don't really want to accept that fact right now.
Today I was awoken at 5:50am by Vera, who informed me she'd be at my house to get me around 6:30am. Last night we planned to get up, go with her dad to his dialysis center, and hangout/exercise while he was receiving treatment.
We frequented in and out of the building as we got food, smoked, and jogged. The jog session was about an hour and a half, and my thighs are still throbbing. Vera helped her dad's medical assistant in some tube changing as I tried not to vomit, and I'm so white that I got a little sun-kissed on the jog.
His treatment finished early, so we took off and headed for Its A Grind to refill our decaffeinated souls... Then filled a prescription at Kaiser, and bought some yumyums at Safeway, before they took me home. Now I'm here... feeling absolutely grungy, and exhausted. I'd like to nap, but I'd also like to be so tired that I want to sleep early, in order to get up early again for work at 7:30 tomorrow morning. We'll see. Goodnight.
Wow. Mirror images. I thought it was just me. Relationships, school, futures, and family make things harder than I feel they need to be. Take a breath and do what's right for you. Expectations from others be damned.